42 is more than just a disruptive educational model and coding school. What makes us unique and a major player in the tech world are the defining characteristics of the 42 culture. Every element of 42 shows our culture, from the students, to the curriculum structure and content, to the zero tuition and innovative admissions process.
Pursuit of Excellence
Innovative and Questioning
Creativity and Passion
Commitment to Community
Belief in Open Opportunities
We might be new to Bangkok, but we’re blowing the tech industry out of the water. Check out what folks have to say about us, including CEOs, co-founders, and partners of Twitter, Slack, Snap, Benchmark, Periscope, Y Combinator, and more.
We boast one of the most diverse tech communities in the ASEAN, as well as one of the most open and welcoming. Check out some of our student profiles. You might be surprised: not everyone has coded before.
Meet the 42 team here at KMITL Central Library
42 Culture
Get a feel for the 42 community and what we’re all about. Our campus is pretty awesome.
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